
What is the Surface Coatings Industry?

The surface coatings industry is the production and application of a thin film on various objects. These films can have functional or decorative purposes. In addition to paints, surface coatings also include varnishes, drying oils, and other additives. In addition to protecting objects, these coatings enhance the appearance of products. If you’re interested in learning more about surface coatings, you should take a look at Surface Treatments from a site like Poeton, suppliers of Surface Treatments.

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Despite its name, the surface coatings industry is an extremely broad sector. In many cases, coatings are designed to be reliable in specific environments. The coatings used on these environments should exhibit the least amount of reaction. Often, a coating will be considered reliable if it has minimal reaction. However, when applied in an industrial environment, it can lead to a high risk of chemical leakage. Because of the diverse nature of the industry, many people are unsure of whether a particular coating is reliable.

Urethane surface coatings are generally used as protective coatings for industrial equipment, such as steel trusses and concrete supports. They also offer excellent corrosion resistance. The acrylic surface coating market is expected to grow at a higher rate than other regions, including North America and Western Europe. The growth is expected to be largely driven by growing investments in infrastructure development across the region. This segment is also expected to experience significant growth in the developing economies of Latin America and Eastern Europe.

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Nanotechnology plays a major role in the surface coatings industry. Nanoparticles can improve optical properties, self-cleaning capabilities, anti-fouling, and corrosion protection properties of a coating. In addition, nanostructures can improve the surface properties of an existing surface, making it scratch-resistant and waterproof. They can even be self-heating. In addition, hospitals are now using nanocoatings to maintain sterile surfaces. Aerospace manufacturers are also utilizing these coatings for lightweight materials.

Another major characteristic of industrial coatings is their environmental friendliness. Environmental concerns have led to stringent regulations that reduce VOC emissions in coating resins. With stricter environmental norms, manufacturers must produce environment-friendly coatings to comply with new policies. In some countries, the use of industrial coatings is prohibited if the products do not meet legal requirements. However, the industry is experiencing a strong growth trend.

There are three broad categories of acrylic surface coatings. These are architectural coatings, product finishes, and special-purpose coatings. Waterborne acrylics are widely used in architectural coatings. They are also used for automotive and fabric coatings.


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