
Winter Self Care Tips

In the winter it is particularly important to make sure that you care for both your mind and your body. At this time of the year, there are more things that can affect us in a negative way, both mentally and physically. From the higher risk of slips and falls as the pavements become icy and also full of wet slippery leaves, to the fact that there are more germs going around at this time of year.

The shorter hours of daylight and the infrequent appearances of the sun also have a detrimental effect on the brain. This can cause people to become low in mood and in energy, and people who already struggle with a mental illness can find this can make it feel worse.

Here are some of the ways that you can take care of yourself throughout the winter…

Take Time for You – Practising self care and taking the time out for yourself is a really important thing to do all year around, however in the winter you may need it more than ever. There are lots of things that you can do to make sure that you are caring for yourself, and the main thing to remember is to do it regularly. You can practice meditation, take a luxurious bath and spend time doing something creative that you enjoy – for example have a look at knitting kits like this and you can even make yourself a comfortable blanket for the winter!

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Get the Right Nutrients – What we put into our bodies is really important for good health. In the winter be aware that you may be deficient in some vitamins that boost the immune system, in particular vitamin D which we mainly obtain from the sunlight. You can take this as a supplement throughout the winter months to ensure that your body is getting enough.

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Spending Time in Nature – Although it is cold outside, getting out and spending time in the natural world is not only good exercise but it is a really great thing to help the brain to calm down and relax. Have a look for some walks that you can enjoy in your area, where you can enjoy the peace and beauty of the natural world.

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