
How challenging behaviour can affect the workplace

Challenging behaviour can present difficulties in all aspects of life. It can be disruptive and sometimes dangerous, creating a genuine risk of harm not only for the individual but also for everyone present. Having a clear understanding of challenging behaviour and how to respond is essential if you want a safe workplace environment.

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Displays of challenging behaviour

We often associate challenging behaviour with neurodivergence or mental illness; however, it can be displayed by anyone with poor coping mechanisms. Think of the boss who screams at employees for even simple mistakes. Shouting and screaming are common challenging behaviours that can be intimidating, undermine trust, and make someone feel unwelcome. This sort of behaviour is not only hurtful to one employee but may also disrupt everyone else’s concentration.

Some challenging behaviours may just be distracting. These include rocking and pacing, which is common among people with autism, or oversharing deeply personal information. More serious forms may include physically aggressive behaviour or sexual misconduct, which make employees feel unsafe and undermine any attempt to build teamwork or a supportive environment. Challenging behaviour takes up time and energy that should be directed elsewhere.

Dealing with challenging behaviour in the workplace.

For some milder challenging behaviour, such as rocking and pacing, it may help to have a quiet space set aside where the person can go until they feel able to self-regulate again. More serious cases, if left unchecked, may lead to disciplinary or even criminal sanctions, which is why employers need clear policies and effective enforcement mechanisms. They have a duty of care to their employers, including in mental health matters.

Education, understanding and early intervention may defuse challenging behaviour before it escalates. A challenging behaviour course from a provider such as can be particularly valuable to people working in health and social care who face these behaviours regularly.

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A workplace in which challenging behaviour is often displayed is uncomfortable for everyone and means employees are unable to give their best performance. For a safer, happier and more productive environment, challenging behaviour needs to be recognised early and responded to effectively.

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