
Is Male Hair Loss a Hereditary Problem?

If you are asking yourself, is male hair loss a hereditary problem? There are many men who will lose their hair but there are also many who do not lose their hair. There are reasons for this kind of variation. The hair loss could be caused by a lot of factors including genetics and heredity. Heredity is said to be the most common cause of this condition in men. If your father or mother has suffered from this type of problem, then there is a big chance that you may also suffer from it. You can easily cover it without the use of wigs by having Scalp Micropigmentation from His Hair Clinic.

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Although there is no direct connection between heredity and this condition, there is still a connection between the two. Hereditary hair loss is considered to be hereditary if it can be passed down from one generation to another. There are also some conditions which will affect a person’s ability to produce hair such as thyroid disease and cancer. These two problems can cause hair loss and hence it will have an effect on the quality of hair that a man loses.

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It is quite obvious that if your father or mother has loss of hair, then chances are you will suffer from it too. Even though there is no direct link between this problem and heredity, hair loss is usually considered to be hereditary when it can be passed down from one generation to another. If your father or mother has had loss of hair, then there is a big chance that you will also suffer from it. There are a lot of things that can cause hair loss. You can lose your hair due to stress, illness or due to a bad diet.

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