
Ideas for Year 10 work experience

Work experience week(s) can be quite daunting for children, especially as many of them have not been exposed to the working world. It is a good idea for the child to try to gain experience with a profession they may be interested in pursuing in the future. This article gives a few examples of some place where a child might gain good experience.


The local police station may be a great opportunity for a child to see life from a different perspective. They would learn how the force functions, day to day activities, and the different roles and responsibilities police officers have to deal with.


Another interested place to gain experience could be with an estate agency. Gloucester estate agency companies hire lots of high schoolers to gain an insight on how they function and can also help them understand the statics of the local area. Estate agents can also make a lot of money, which could be appealing to young children.


Working for a digital media company would be essential for children in today’s society as we now cannot function without technology. Information systems, web development, digital design, or media communications are all interesting career paths to pursue in the 21st century as technology is always advancing.


Volunteering at a local animal shelter would allow a child a great insight into caring for animals if it is something they are passionate about. Work experience at a veterinary centre would be great for the future if veterinary science is a subject they want to study further in.

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